Thanks for the productive meeting this morning! Here are links to the pages we looked at as a group:
- Sample Omeka exhibit:
- Sample student contract:
- New York Times article on reCaptcha:
Remember that your next tasks are to:
- Create a Dropbox account on your computer and send me your username so I can share the folder of DD files with you.
- Create a Writeboard or Google Doc where you can collaboratively work on your group contract, and either share the Google Doc with me by using my email address or send me the link to the Writeboard page.
If you decide that there are items you want to add to the Omeka archive, use this Google form to enter the metadata into our spreadsheet, and then move the file into the Dropbox folder. Give the file a distinctive root file name, but don’t give it a DD identifier yet. If you’ve gotten the image from the Houston Public Library archive, then retain their unique ID in the name of the file that you put in the Dropbox folder (for example, SC1268-f2-55), and be sure to indicate in one of the metadata fields that you got the image from HPL. The best way to do this is by putting “Houston Area Digital Archives” in the dc.sourcecollection field, along with the title of the folder in which you found it (e.g., “Dick Dowling Monument Association Records”), and also to put the URL to the HPL Dowling website in the dc.isReferencedby field.
I’m going to work on finding a listing of all the available page layouts in Omeka exhibits so that as you design, you’ll have those available. Let me know if you have any questions–putting the questions in the comment boxes on this blog might be the easiest way to let everyone in the group see the questions and the answers.